Thursday, October 29, 2009

I hope we look for ways to please God like we look for ways to please people. I hope we want to please Him. I hope we are grateful for all He does for us. I hope we appreciate the beautiful sunrise, the fog above the river, the lovely tree so patiently standing there for so long, the wonderful waterfall, the smile of a baby, the delight of cool fresh air, the beauty of snow, the smell and taste of fresh coffee, the detail of a flower, the loyalty of a dog, the friendship of a cat, the companionship of your spouse, the joy of your children, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the laughter of a friend, a sermon well studied and preached from the heart, the helpfulness of cell phones, the blessing of facebook, a good gmail chat, a nice email, the privilege of prayer, the wonder of salvation, the protection of angels, the enjoyment of writing, the creativity of music, the power of the ocean, the care of our Father God, the daily work of I AM, the Sun, the Moon, the awesome stars.
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