Integrity and Consistency
I'm doing a Bible study on the book of Daniel that was written by Beth Moore. Here's an excerpt from Week 1, Day 5.

I really wanted to share this with you, so I tagged you in it!

"I don't know any other way to say this, and goodness knows I learned it the hard way: godliness is never accidental. Neither is victory coincidental. Both stem from up-front, daily resolve.
The lifeblood of integrity is becoming the same person no matter where we are--no matter who's around. When we become people of integrity, everything we are on the inside is obvious from the outside. The Latin word for "integrity" literally means "entire." The essence of the term is wholeness and completeness. Integrity is "the quality or state of being complete or undivided." You can see, therefore, how much integrity depends on consistency. Integrity not only calls us to live inside-out, it keeps the outside from coming in. Consistency in our walk and in our talk becomes a transportable cloak of protection around us, going anywhere we go. Life becomes so much simpler when there aren't so many costume changes." This was so good from a longtime friend of Susanna's, Tammy Glasscock Belau.


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