Thursday, October 15,2009

I have a Susan story.
When I was growing up, my nickname was Susie. About 50% of the time my Mother called me Susie. I loved it. And I named my first daughter Susanna. I had a friend in college named Susan from Hacienda Heights :) and a Sue mentor from Grants Pass :) and a Susanna friend from Switzerland, Schweiz, and also enjoyed the name and my nickname! So how could we not choose it. If our first child Jonathan had been a girl, he would have been Susanna!
So my Mom, my daughter Susanna, and myself are at a cute little restaurant and we bow our heads to thank the Lord for the food. My Mom says, Susie, will you pray? And Susanna and I both proceed to start praying. Immediately we all burst out laughing! What fun! Finally one of us prayed and we enjoyed our meal and time together!


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