Sunday, September 13, 2009

Benjy got called to a fire! September 12th. He took a week of fire fighting training in June in Corvallis just before coming home for the summer. He did so well that he was made one of the leaders of the kids in the training. He was so excited! We took him to get just the right boots and everything he needed. He worked at school while waiting to see if they needed him. Thank the good Lord that there weren't very many fires this summer. One time he did get called but the fire was under control before the group actually got there, so he came back. So glad he had the job at New Hope, and he has been a really good help. Uncle Dave Olson was here for the summer teaching at Pacific Bible College in Medford and he also was a tremendous help on school things. Had to leave this morning at 4:15am to go join Mike Jones crew. So God bless Benjy and all you kids out there fighting the fires.


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