
Showing posts from September, 2009

Also Wednesday, September 30, 2009

If a fly loses a wing, what is it called? A walk. Knock knock Who's there Candy Candy who Please give me some candy. (Heard on KLOV yesterday :) )

September 30, 2009

Dishes. The great leveler. Yesterday we had to defrost the combination frig/freezer since something in back is plugged, according to the repairman on the phone. So even though we keep up on dishes and yes I have had a number of dishwashers and do not like them since you get to scrape and rinse and then load and they don't fit and you do two loads and the big things in the sink - no thank you, please!! So today there are extra dishes. And refrigerator shelves. So part of this day will definitely be on dishes. Sorry we are not talking stars! And no it is not me in the picture - but close enough. Artistic interpretation.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How do you like these stars? Maybe sometime God will surprise us and make the star colors more visible to our eyes! How about if someone invents these star glasses, not binoculars (have you ever tried to hold still enough to use them?) that you put on and vuala, you can see the beautiful colors everywhere!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday morning - aah. So bright and crisp! Our observatory night Saturday night was so fun. The more you learn about the stars and planets, the more there is to learn! And now with the combination of great camera technology, great telescope technology, great computer technology, and people who are gifted and educated in these areas, we are getting awesome pictures of the skies!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nice to visit Parkway Christian Center. I really enjoyed the worship group with some brass in it along with Sharee Luce at the piano. Sharee has taught some of our children's piano lessons and is a concert pianist, having performed in Europe. She practices a lot and our son Ben came to me and said he would like to see her give a concert! I was so pleased he could tell how good she is. She teaches piano and strings here at New Hope and accompanies the various choirs. And the saxophone and clarinet both by the same person were wonderful. And the message on prayer was great. I am reading a book on prayer by David Jeremiah, The Prayer Matrix. I just finished it, only 86 pages.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Trees. Oak trees. I love oak trees. :) We had beautiful oak trees around our house when I was growing up. My husband bought two nice oak trees for me several years ago that we planted in our front yard. They are about 30 feet tall now! And there are also a number of them growing up here at New Hope. I walked to the mailbox and saw a nice one that is probably 20 feet tall. Here is the oldest known oak tree called the Seven Sisters Oak in Lewisburg, Mandeville, Louisiana. It is over 1,000 years old.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Beautiful morning. Chris & Conrad here from Florida for a concert! The Lord will always lead you. He will satisfy your needs in dry lands and give strength to your bones. You will be like a garden that has much water, like a spring that never runs dry. Isaiah 58:11

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lions. I love lions. I like to find clip-art of lions to add to papers. Terell & I stopped to visit another school principal and his office was full of lions. Yes! I think God has real lions by him. Why not? He made them. He might have several of each type of animal near him. Wow!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Flowers. Let's all be like flowers also. Trees and flowers. Flowers are colorful. Flowers are sweet. Flowers are all so beautiful. All kinds of flowers, roses, petunias, carnations, lilies, lilacs, camelias, dahlias, chrysanthemums, and many more.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Trees are amazing! Standing in the same place day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, same place, year after year. God says we can be like trees if we listen to Him and follow His Word. Psalm 1. Let's all be like trees!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Nephew Philip! And I am working on moving pictures around - a slightly bigger arena than I thought. So hopefully I will be adding more pictures here. I do have some to choose from presently. David helped me figure out more things. And this week we have to finish getting Ben's truck ready for OSU which begins the 28th. Happy Sunday. I studied my verses some.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fun family time with Cousins Gary and Mary. They work in the 4-H and Ag area and know a ton about farming, growing grains, farm equipment, cattle, sheep, goats, being the 7th generation on their lovely farm. The US has a yearly conference and it is in Portland this year. They have sold almost all of their 10 cute golden retriever puppies. Their oldest, Jennie, is married with three children, second, Becky, is teaching nursing, and youngest, Mitch, is a sophomore at Ohio State - also known as OSU. They loved getting to walk around New Hope and see some of the classrooms, computer lab with the new flatscreen monitors, the nice landscaping, the playground, the observatory. Ben and David also enjoyed visiting with them!

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Good Samaritan. I hope we can understand more each day how to be good and kind to each other. Kindness is like light shining through a beautiful rock - it takes so many forms. And the same thing can be done either with kindness, or without kindness. God, who knows our hearts, is the only one who really knows. The Lord is our protector & glorious King, blessing us with kindness & honor. Psalm 84:11

Thursday, September 18, 2009

Enjoyable Wednesday evening at Edgewater. Howard Hori on guitar, Emily Hori Drummond and Priscilla Nash Anderson singing, someone on drums. Nice Thursday morning, chicken leg and thighs cooking in the crockpot for chicken stir-fry tonight. Ben has a dental cleaning appt. at 10. Lovely New Hope cafeteria/meeting room/classroom. Cousins Mary & Gary from Ohio coming tomorrow! Suzy was flown to Tennessee by one of her website customers to take pictures of their horses and here is one she took. She says these are really nice horses and they look right at you!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good Morning! Very clear blue skies here. New Hope Christian School. New Hope Road. New Hope. New hope. What a great name! What a great truth. Every day, new hope. New opportunities. Our same, unchanging God.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Tuesday! I looked up at the sky this morning and there were the trails of several jets - going south to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Here we are in the flight path. Later I saw one heading north - to Medford or Portland or Seattle. We are blessed to have so many good pilots and planes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Morning! Second day of fire-fighting for Ben. It is up in the Evans Valley area near Rogue River and was started by lightning. He gets to work with his long-time friend Luke Ward. Hope they get it under control soon. Third week of September. Wow. School is progressing. School is such a blessing. Some of the little kids out in Vanuatu that Jacob got to be with do not have school. School is so much fun. Some kids did have school there. All kids should have school. All kids should get to read and write. And some of them did not have shoes. I am still hoping we can send some shoes. All of us could do that.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Benjy got called to a fire! September 12th. He took a week of fire fighting training in June in Corvallis just before coming home for the summer. He did so well that he was made one of the leaders of the kids in the training. He was so excited! We took him to get just the right boots and everything he needed. He worked at school while waiting to see if they needed him. Thank the good Lord that there weren't very many fires this summer. One time he did get called but the fire was under control before the group actually got there, so he came back. So glad he had the job at New Hope, and he has been a really good help. Uncle Dave Olson was here for the summer teaching at Pacific Bible College in Medford and he also was a tremendous help on school things. Had to leave this morning at 4:15am to go join Mike Jones crew. So God bless Benjy and all you kids out there fighting the fires.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

If you don't have a dove, get one. They are so nice to have. Mine was found over at Farmers Building Supply looking for a home. He was even free. The cage we have wasn't free and the feed isn't free, but he is worth having for the peace and niceness he adds to our home. He begins softly cooing around 5:45am, according to the light usually. Once in awhile if the dog barks at night he responds to Shadow with a friend song. And he doesn't make you wish he would stop singing. He loves it if I play the piano - music is one of his gifts. He has different songs. And sometimes he looks like he is showing off. I open his cage about once a day and let him fly for awhile. He loves sitting in the bathroom window. Sometimes when he is done flying for the day he returns to his cage on his own. Otherwise we let him know it is time. Only once did we accidentally pull out his tail feathers while trying to get him to return to his cage. And the feathers have grown back. ...

Also Friday, September 11, 2009

May 2002 Terell, me, Josh, Daniel, Benjy, and Jacob got to visit New York City as part of our Spelling Bee trip to Washington DC. The street near the towers was filled with people. The boys and Terell lined up to walk closer. I went across the street, being already close enough, and began to cry. Obviously that was not my plan. It was just so sad. A young boy selling candy for $1 came by and I said it must have been pretty bad. He gave a look of agony. I bought a candy bar. Possibly that helped. The boys returned, deciding not to keep waiting. We walked along the momentos. Our hearts ached also. Thank You God for caring for us so much.

September 11, 2009

God has blessed America greatly and God is blessing America greatly and God will bless America greatly as we seek Him with all of our heart He is the great I AM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Xin Chao! (Vietnamese) Outside again - so beautiful - I can see my Aunt Milly's cows from here. God bless and coordinate our day - yours and mine! I started called the Holy Spirit the Holy Coordinator when I was working in the school office. Again and again just the person we needed to see would walk in. Again when I was teaching the 4th grade I saw Him coordinating and helping me coordinate the day.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9/9/9 or 09/09/09 Kind of fun! KLOV is right on this! 88.7 FM in this area. Joshua was actually born at 21:21 pm. They told me not to push between contractions but I pushed anyway and it only took 10 minutes - the bearing down part. This does not mean you should do that, I didn't always with some of the other kids, but there is a time. Back to today :) Am looking for some blogs from some of you. Facebook is great for touching base - not so much for writing more. I have written since a kid - this is nice since it is shared. Rogue Community College is great for taking classes. I recently took 24 credits over there. The computer classes were great. Josiah Dean is very like David - good at computers way back / punch cards, etc. David came in a little after that and made a computer to take to the Josephine County Fair when he was about 10. Made.

Tuesday, September 8,2009

Good Morning! It is beautiful out here on the New Hope lawn watching parents bringing their kids to school. The bus just drove up. This summer our son David who teaches here took the bus training and studied a lot and got his bus certification! Melanie Molthan is the regular route driver and is such a great worker! David is teaching and coaching and wanted to be able to drive sometimes when needed. We have drivers such as Sue Bars and Steve Barker who are busy on other jobs also.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day. Actually should be named non-Labor Day. :) A few years ago I was actually in labor on Labor Day. Quite appropriate but at the time I did not really see the humor in it. Especially when the labor stopped. And started about a week later. And stopped. And started about a week later. And stopped. And started about a week later. And kept on! And Joshua Michael was born September 30th! Praise God! And right on time!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lovely Sunday in September. Three cute little boys in front of us in church with their grandpa and grandma. Having a little more time is nice for awhile - to do things that need done. Lightning could strike at any time though! :) When He had brought about the purgation of sins, He took his seat at the right hand of Majesty on high, raised as far above the angels as the title he has inherited is superior to theirs. Hebrews 1:3b-4

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I have wanted to write out Hebrews little by little. It has a lot about who Jesus is and what faith in Him is. It has a ton about a lot of people you and I are going to be talking to someday. When in former times God spoke to our forefathers, He spoke in fragmentary & varied fashion through the prophets. But in this final age He has spoken to us in the Son whom He has made heir to the whole universe, & through whom He created all orders of existence: the Son who is the effulgence of God's splendor & the stamp of God's very being, & sustains the universe by his word of power. Hebrews 1:1-3a

Friday, September 4, 2009

How funny! Just got off the phone to Jacob - busy with having a cross country pancake breakfast, classes, etc. He usually has his phone on vibrate in class but had the ring tone on and also set to a really different tone and I called him! I don't know his schedule yet. So anyway, he was good about it and said he had a funny story to tell me. :) We don't have school today. Playing catch up. It is wonderful to play catch up. Will take awhile.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

We have a Cross Country Meet here at New Hope today so Terell & David are extra busy, and have been before this. Petersons graded the track so that is nice! We will be serving hamburgers grilled on the barbeque. ESL class is interesting. My SIL background - one summer of study at the Summer Institute of Linguistics at the University of North Dakota - gives me a different approach - I want to first look at their language and how it works and then come back to English and teach from there. Every language is different. Just looking at the book and the next sentence doesn't come anywhere near being how I look at it. Obviously the ideal is not totally possible to start with but I will be working toward that. Josh would understand totally. I just need to look at Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese since we have kids from those countries. :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Swimming is so great! I am so glad I learned to swim when I was a kid! I was really not a good swimmer at first but I kept working at it after I was done with lessons. Finally I started to get better and better. During my first year of college at Biola I took a Lifeguard swimming course for PE and got my Lifeguard certificate. One of my accomplishments in swimming was swimming underwater the entire width of the Caveman Pool! It has been interesting and fun to help our eight children learn to swim! Terell & I did a lot of helping them and letting them work on it in between playing in the water. We took them to swim lessons at the Caveman, swim lessons with Vic and Winnie Fedosky, swim lessons at Mryna Shaneyfelts, swim lessons at the Y, and fun times at various times. Myrna was their favorite teacher. She has a nice pool right beside her house and it is just right for Moms &/or Dads to bring the kids and watch their little ones while she teaches the bigger ones.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hi All! I just enjoyed seeing pictures of niece/nephew Lena & Dave Philbrick and kids on Facebook. Little one numero quatro is soon to be here! How exciting!