Thursday, November 5-Sunday, November 8, 2009

Families are so much fun! We got to spend these four days with our kids. Here are some high points:
1. Visiting with Priscilla. David & Priscilla's plants LOVE them. If a plant enters their house, it immediately grows about an inch a day. The Christmas cactus is usually covered with flowers. The African violets have so many blossoms it is incredible. I saw two little fir trees on the kitchen sink awaiting their turn. Wow. So what is the matter with my plants?
2. Visiting with Benjy. Third floor of Sigma Epsilon. Online test in Organic Chemistry. Fun at Priscilla's for us playing Scattergories. Taking pictures. Getting lectures not to take pictures. :)
3. Fun at Daniel & Christen's. Everyone on laptops. Hahahahaha! My laptop won't receive the signal, I keep trying. Benjy puts comedian Brian Something on his and we laugh and laugh!
4. Watching Jacob run CrossCountry in Springfield. The top ten for his team get to run. Beautiful day! I take pictures of Jacob and his team running and yell a lot for Jacob and Corban and everyone else. Jacob PR's. We all eat at Sizzlers in Springfield, including the Corban team and relatives of Sabrina Johnson. So fun.
5. We take Ben back to OSU, Daniel & Christen back to Monmouth/WOU, and Jacob and Terell & I drive to Sherwood to Jonathan & Kathie's. Fun with our kids and grandkids. Baby Tyler, 16 months, is toddling around cutely. So good to be together. Jonathan, oldest of our eight, thoroughly enjoying a little more chaos! Kathie cooking for us so sweetly. Playing with the kids. I like farm sets. Collin hanging out with Jacob. Our youngest child/oldest grandchild. More laptops.
6. To Countryside Community Church Sunday at 8:45am. Great service and worship music and coffee. Home to J & K's for delicious Indian dinner Kathie prepares. More fun with the grandkids. Scrabble is a good word-learning game for little ones as well as fun for all. We even started trading letters since we had little ones playing. Hehe. Serious football on the widescreen TV. Looking at scrapbooks. Visiting. The veteran teacher, Kathie, 12 years teaching elementary, visiting with new teacher Christen, first year teaching, 3rd grade. Kathie is staying home this year with Tyler and taking Kate to Kindergarten and Collin to 1st grade.
7. So thankful for our family!


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