Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thankful for a nice Thanksgiving time. Our three college boys, Daniel & Christen, Benjy, and Jacob, are on their way back to Western Oregon University, Oregon State University, and Corban College respectively. Christen, Dan's wife, just got her MAT from Willamette University in May this year and is now teaching 3rd grade! She also plays the piano very well and they just got a piano! David teaches here at New Hope after 5 years at OIT in Klamath Falls in Software Engineering. Jonathan is an accountant with Deloitte and Touche in Portland. Joshua is teaching English at a University in China. Susanna & Priscilla make websites after getting degrees in Management Information Technology and Art/Graphic Design. Their husbands Dave Brown and David Dutton work in Computer and Laser Engineering. Praise God for our wonderful family! And praise God Who is and Who was and Who is to come.


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