Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good Morning PST,
Jacob's blog was so fun and up-to-date and I thought I would try it. He is good at computer things and keeps telling me to try things! I just tried uploading a picture but will need a little time for that - my pictures seem to be on the desk computer and not on this laptop.
Our friends from Vietnam are here - so fun. Sam will be here for the school year and his Mom for two weeks. She is so good at teaching the language and I am delighted. Probably from piano and music I can hear the sound variation fairly well. Of course as a beginner, having had Dylan last school year and learning some from him.
Jacob has been home from Vanuatu 10 days - we are still learning more about all of you. We looked at Vanuatu on Google Earth last night and he was delighted to see the roads and trails he ran on!
Benjy was home for the summer, helped Terell a lot and we are working on getting the green pickup ready for him. The carburetor is being rebuilt by a man in Jacksonville. Dave Brown, Suzy's husband, did the first major work on the engine. Ben is taking a 3-week course at OSU now. We got to see Priscilla & David and looked at the awesome pictures of their trip to Japan. They look so cute standing in front of these very tall buildings.
I need to fix lunch. This is going to be really nice.


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