Thursday, August 20, 2009

Good afternoon, Xin chao, PST (Pacific Standard Time),
Our friends are here from Vietnam, Ngoc and son Sam. We are having fun learning tieng Anh (English) and tieng Viet (Vietnamese)! Did you know English is known as Anh to the Vietnamese. Also, the word for to fix and the word for milk are spelled the same but have a different tone - sua and sua. Thank you is cam on. I need the accent marks.
Also some fun at the Josephine County Fair! Lots of cute goats. Some tiny baby ones. Also sheep with the latest hairdo - they leave a little tuft of wool and they look really nice. Nice to chat with your friends that are there. The Grants Pass band is raising money to fly to New York in 2011 so we got coffee at their booth. Saw a cornstalk about 12 feet tall! Decorated cakes, fudge, canned jams, sewing (I did 7 years of 4-H sewing!), and a beautiful canoe made from layers of different woods. Definitely worth your time. And New Hope has a good food booth open at approximately 4 to 4:30pm.


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