Monday, August 31, 2009

Good Afternoon/Guten Tag!
Here I am in New Hope's computer lab - our awesome computer lab! A parent gave new flat-screen monitors and they look so nice! Thank you, dear parents, and thank You, dear God! And thank you, Jacob, for showing me how to do this blog.
New Hope begins tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1st. Last night I made 4 loaves of the Amish Friendship Bread so took some over to the office for the hungry busy teachers! Also took some to Highland House for the hungry busy nurses. I have four sourdough starters to the first four hungry takers! The crockpot is busy getting tonight's supper with split peas, salami, and everything adding up in the refrigerator. The dove is enjoying flying. I just copied something I wrote awhile back about Jesus as the Bread of life to put with the recipe for the friend bread. And now I plan to make whole wheat bread, full of vitamins and good things - molasses, honey, olive oil, freshly ground whole wheat. Our wheat grinder, an Excalibur Mill, is so worth having.


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