Bowdoin Bulletin 2020

January/enero  Making burgundy pillowcases. Justin to Highland House. Evangel to Medford.

February/febrero  Ben & Deb & 5 children move here upstairs. Make bread.

March/marzo  Schools close. Coronavirus everywhere. Things close. Aunt Mabel to heaven 14th.

April/abril  Spring. Flowers again! Zoom chat with family. More fence outside. Stay home. Stay safe.
                   CEF over for the year.

May/mayo  Mom at Highland House. We can call. No visitors now. Organizing. Aunt Opal passed 
                   away 11th. Ravi Zacharias passed away. Ed Stout passed away.

June/junio  Online church/Jerusalem King of Kings/Brooklyn/Edgewater/River Valley GP/Paco y
                   Sylvia Chicago. Sewing. 

  1. July/julio Church at Redwood Country Church again. Special July 4th celebrations here and
    Washington, DC. Flyovers, fireworks!!! Praise God for His goodness to us all!!!
    Brother Bruce for dinner. Then visited his lovely home on the hill.
    Listening to the Audio Bible Revelation, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Hebrews,
    Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, now in Numbers (Oct.). Trouble in Portland. Working on
    green beans, zucchini, tomatoes, later grapes & apples.

    August/agosto Family Camp August 13-16 at David & Wanda's house! Wonderful fun time
    visiting! Picture

    At Redwood Country Church we miss Brian Cullaway who came over twice a week to help Terell outside. Mom Janie Maas mourning him. And Gene Kettwig slipped away to heaven. Wife Nancy mourning him. Also Leah Mitchell called home. We miss them all.

    September/septiembre Family Zooms, walking the yard, Washington DC Prayer March 2020

  2. Ben & Deb's kids return to school, I help teach DJ 1st Grade Tuesday
    Wednesday Friday. Zoom birthday for Joshua in Peru!

    October/octubre Apple time! Highland House opens. CEF some Saturdays at Redwood Country.

    November/noviembre Time to vote! Happy Thanksgiving!

    December/deciembre So thankful for Jesus!!! Have a Merry Christmas


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