Bowdoin Bulletin 2016

Time to start our 2016 letter!

God is so good! All good!
How wonderful!l
Thank You LORD for blessing this year and crowning the year with Your goodness! Thank You for blessing us with Donald Trump as our 45th President of the United States!!! Bless him and give godly counselors.
Give him good understanding. Bless his family with understanding.

January 2016 began quietly sewing pillowcases. It expanded to several months in between other things.

February held the excitement of giving a baby shower for Priscilla and David Dutton with a new baby boy coming in March!  We ladies decorated the house so cutely in baby blue and ISAAC who had been prayed for by Priscilla and David [like Abraham and Sarah] was welcomed by family and friends.  Patty Thompson helped, Wanda [David's] helped, Mary and Deena Riffert helped, Mama of course helped! What fun we had!cks

So March was Isaac Matthew Michael Dutton's arrival! Yay yay yay! He came at 3:07 am Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at Rogue Valley Hospital. 7 lb. 2 oz. 20.5 inches long. So excited!!! So happy!!!

April, May, and June blended together well. Gardening takes a lot of time and is well worth it. Our renters were helpful. Dennis would cook a good meal sometimes. Bryan also, like French toast. Bryan began to talk on the phone more and more. Soon we met his friend Leila from George Fox days.

Our work at Redwood Country kept us busy with Terell pastoring, visiting different ones, having weekly
prayer meetings Tuesdays.  What blessings God rains down on us!  Our monthly potlucks are also special! Christian fellowship is wonderful! Ed and Dayle were home for various needs, helping their parents, helping Matthew and Morelle with their wedding in Texas.

Dan and Christen and baby Joshua visited early on since they are expecting a little girl in September.  Elliana Hope.

Our kids visited in families this year since Jacob's wedding was scheduled in August. Joshua came several times to visit and to help Mr. Mason reinstall the oil furnace. Ben came for several days and helped plant our garden of tomatoes, peppers, corn, beets, and squash. Jonathan and Kathie and kids enjoyed having Susanna, Dave, and little Sydney and David and Priscilla and baby Isaac visiting at the same time.

Jacob and Samantha Allgood had a lovely wedding August 27 in Wilmar, Minnesota. Jonathan, his son Collin, Terell, Joshua, David and Wanda, and Bryan attended along with guests from the area. It was filmed by Bryan so we watched it live from Oregon. Truly beautiful!

In September we had a special time when Daniel and Christen had Elliana Hope unexpectedly born in the car! Daniel delivered her fine while calling 911!!! They are all doing well.

So our year finished up with the election of our 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. Praise God! Thank You Jesus for all You have done and are doing and will do!


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