
Showing posts from 2016

Bowdoin Bulletin 2016

Time to start our 2016 letter! God is so good! All good! How wonderful!l Thank You LORD for blessing this year and crowning the year with Your goodness! Thank You for blessing us with Donald Trump as our 45th President of the United States!!! Bless him and give godly counselors. Give him good understanding. Bless his family with understanding. January 2016 began quietly sewing pillowcases. It expanded to several months in between other things. February held the excitement of giving a baby shower for Priscilla and David Dutton with a new baby boy coming in March!  We ladies decorated the house so cutely in baby blue and ISAAC who had been prayed for by Priscilla and David [like Abraham and Sarah] was welcomed by family and friends.  Patty Thompson helped, Wanda [David's] helped, Mary and Deena Riffert helped, Mama of course helped! What fun we had!cks So March was Isaac Matthew Michael Dutton's arrival! Yay yay yay! He came at 3:07 am Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at Rogue...
Rejoicing to have Donald Trump as our incoming new President! May God bless him with great grace and truth!

ereSeptember 21, 2016

Oh Blog Where Art Thou!

Wednesday July 27, 2016

Convention time.  We need wisdom and discernment. Thank You Lord!  The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

At dinner last night we enjoyed having David and Karen Olson! Karen is my husband Terell's sister. They are on a minivacation and helping pastor a church in Saskatchewan. Amid delicious bbq pork chops and other food, the topic of studying Greek came up. The love of learning is ever present! So this morning after a little research I find myself looking into this. It is ok if you don't fit the application, just keep at it. I need to refresh on Greek!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Jesus IS at the door. Hopefully we are ready!