August 30, 2015

It is time to write.
It rained yesterday! It has been a hot summer with a number of fires started. So what a blessing to have rain! Thank You Lord!
And how nice to blog again! I recently read that to those who like to write, writing is like must breathe and you must write!
So again thank You Lord for this blog. My brother-in-law in Spain blogs and in Spanish and this reminded me to blog more. Just some happy recent times!
We had our annual family camping trip August 20-23, 2015, at Lake of the Woods.

Pictured left to right: Bridget Park, Josh, Priscilla & David Dutton, Justin Park, Wanda & David, Dan & Christen and baby Joshua, Dave & Suzy Brown and Sydney, Terell & Marilyn, Kathie & Jon, Jacob and his girlfriend Samantha Allgood, friend Bryan Thompson, Kate, Deb & Ben, and Collin and Tyler in front.


  1. Glad to see this, Marilyn! πŸ’Ÿ I love you, dear sister in law.

  2. Glad to see this, Marilyn! πŸ’Ÿ I love you, dear sister in law.


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