Bowdoin Bulletin 2012

Here we are!  Once again we review our year.  Each year presents special blessings and special challenges.  One year closer to King Jesus' return!  We like having the Eastern Gate on our Facebook and picturing King Jesus on a white horse fully in command and multitudes with Him!

January found us getting more settled.  Terell soon planted a nice garden and set up the watering system.  Pumps took some time.  Ben kept very busy in his RCC EMT studies based in Medford.  Terell also worked a lot for David on his website.  I babysat for Calvary Crossroads during the ladies Bible studies weekly.  Enjoyed the kids and Moms.  The Ladies Retreat in Ashland was such a good time. Was able to fit in some studies in Ephesians, Malachi, and Beth Moore's book on Believing God with helpful teachers. 

February brought a semi-daily exercise routine at Curves.  Made new friends and found new muscles!  Also some nice talks with friends from old times.  One of the blessings of living in Grants Pass for a long time!  And found a teacher aide sub job with District 7 working in one of the 6 elementary schools, Allen Dale, Redwood, Lincoln, Riverside, Parkside, Highland,  2 middle schools, South Middle and North Middle, and 2 high schools, Grants Pass High and Gladiola.  With our many years at New Hope Christian I was so at home with kids everywhere, plus I love teaching reading and helping kids improve their math skills.

March through June we spent quite a bit of time on woodworking, and processing juniper that we cut on Dave and Susanna's Bonanza property.  We are working on the marketing of the wood products also and looked for a showroom.  We took a booth at G Street Marketplace.  We have nice clocks, beautiful mirrors, lovely tables, and various smaller wood items.  We did two craft fairs year end, one at Parkside School and one at Grants Pass High which helped to sell some things and to advertise our products.

Jacob and a group from Corban responded to an invitation to teach English for a month in Asia.  I keep thinking Hudson Taylor and those who went along with them must have prayed for some to follow them!  God blessed the kids with the needed funds and they had a great time helping in July.  Our July here was busy hosting 4 young people, from China.  New Hope held a 2 week summer camp for international kids.  What a busy and fun time. 

August we went to Dave and Susanna Brown's place in Klamath Falls for our Family Get-together.  We just spread out and enjoyed relaxing and visiting and sharing meals, walks, games.  We have some good cooks in our family!  Sadie, Dan & Christen's little dog, was busy trying to avoid Dave & Susanna's kittens.  They were about the same size!  Jonathan & Kathie & kids were unable to come this time.

September we were blessed to have a young man as our international student.  We had him for a month.  Ben worked on getting a job at McDonald's and got it!  And we got another international student.  He is a senior and looking toward attending university next year. Josh also arrived home from working overseas. He has been so helpful and we are getting a new deck now since the old one was falling apart.

October Terell has been riding a bike this year and enjoying it alot.

November  Thanksgiving is always the highlight of November.  We gathered here and were all together again - so blessed.  Everyone helped.  Joshua fixed a traditional Hot Pot meal one evening and we invited others.  We all enjoyed it.  And my Dad turned 92 this year.
Voting was a big priority this November.  It is so important to pray for our leaders.

December  We have enjoyed Redwood Country Church this year with good sermons from Pastor Fred Schmidt and wonderful piano by his wife Danielle.  We have been blessed in so many ways this year. We should ring the bells for Jesus this year.  What a wonderful Savior He is!!!

Our love, Terell & Marilyn & Family


  1. Found your blog saved on my computer and read the 2012 post. Thanks for writing and sharing! Love you Mama!


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