
Showing posts from December, 2012

Bowdoin Bulletin 2012

Here we are!  Once again we review our year.  Each year presents special blessings and special challenges.  One year closer to King Jesus' return!  We like having the Eastern Gate on our Facebook and picturing King Jesus on a white horse fully in command and multitudes with Him! January found us getting more settled.  Terell soon planted a nice garden and set up the watering system.  Pumps took some time.  Ben kept very busy in his RCC EMT studies based in Medford.  Terell also worked a lot for David on his website.  I babysat for Calvary Crossroads during the ladies Bible studies weekly.  Enjoyed the kids and Moms.  The Ladies Retreat in Ashland was such a good time. Was able to fit in some studies in Ephesians, Malachi, and Beth Moore's book on Believing God with helpful teachers.  February brought a semi-daily exercise routine at Curves.  Made new friends and found new muscles!  Also some...