Everyday we have to make choices. The results of a day are mostly based on the choices we make for that day. God has given us the freedom to choose. He will not make us do things without our permission.
God says in Deuteronomy 30:15, “See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction”.
Broadly speaking, we have only two choices in front of us: to choose life and its blessings or to choose death and its curses.
To choose life means to choose God, His Son Jesus Christ and His principles found in the Scriptures. To choose death means to choose principles that are contrary to God’s Word. God is not the one who makes choices for us. We have to make them. God’s desire for mankind is that we will choose life. That’s why He says in Deuteronomy 30:19, “…Now choose life, so that you and your children may live”.
Through Adam and Eve, God planned to fill the earth with multitudes of people who will choose life. But disobedience crept in along with its consequences.
Each choice has its own results or consequences. Adam and Eve thought that they could disobey God yet enjoy His blessings. But that didn’t work that way. Choosing something and expecting a different result doesn’t work right.
A study of the Scriptures reveals that whenever people chose life, they enjoyed its blessings. But whenever they chose evil, they reaped destruction. Devil’s desire is to see us broken and defeated. But all that God has for us is good – salvation, healing, long life, protection, provision, favor, success and so on.
God has not kept any evil for us. He demonstrated this clearly through Jesus Christ. It’s up to us to experience the life that God gives freely and generously.
Remember: the one who chooses life will never regret for making that choiceEmail this to a friend?
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