Bowdoin Bulletin 2009

Welcome to our 2009 Bowdoin Bulletin! With Facebook and Messenger and Gmail and Gmail chat and cell phones we are all in so much better contact. So if I miss a highlight or two, just check one of the other message boards.
Jonathan & Kathie toured Scotland and England this Fall while Collin was working hard in 1st grade, Kate was enjoying Kindergarten, and Tyler was enjoying Grandma Long. Jon continues at Deloitte and Kathie is a stay-at-home Mom with three lively children.
David is busy at New Hope teaching Biology and Computer classes and coaching crosscountry and track and keeping up-to-date. There is more to running a track meet than meets the eye.
Dave & Susanna Brown have had a busy year keeping up with all the websites they make and taking care of a big garden, 4 horses, and their Bonanza ranch. They are right now in Tennessee to work on getting pictures for one of their horse websites.
David & Priscilla Dutton relocated to Vancouver Washington since David now works over there for a company. They have had trips to Japan and China and can tell you more! The Japanese pictures are wonderful.
Joshua is also now in China teaching English as a second language. He loves being in Jhonggau (pronounced jonegwa) and is learning a lot of Hanzi.
Daniel & Christen are busy in Independence near Monmouth. Christen graduated in May from Willamette University with a Masters of Art in Teaching. We all got to attend! And she was blessed with a job teaching 3rd grade this Fall! And Daniel is now in his 5th year also studying to be a teacher and graduates June 2010!
Benjamin is a junior in PreMed at Oregon State. Lots of studying and how we need Christian doctors! We survived losing the Civil War and will have to be ducks for a day on New Years Day for the Rose Bowl!
Jacob graduated from New Hope May 30 with everyone also here for him! Then he got to take a mission trip to Vanuatu to work with Wycliffe Translators. It was such a great trip and they were so happy to have his help. This Fall he enrolled at Corban College in Salem to study to be a teacher.
Terell continues at New Hope. We love New Hope. The present cold has been quite a challenge with 7 wells and lots of pipes to keep warm! Our Christmas Programs are in progress. The Secondary had theirs Thursday, so beautiful (every year it is), and the Elementary will be Monday, December 14. Marilyn continues multitasking, cooking, baking bread, getting better at computer skills (survival in a computer world and computer kids), helping Terell, coordinating. And so thankful for the Holy Coordinator! Blessings to all of you for 2010!
Terell & Marilyn, David, Josh, Ben, Jacob


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