2022 Bowdoin Bulletin

October 24,2022 What an interesting year we have had!!! Whatever the news the purpose of the Lord will stand! January: Good dinner at Bolters! Nice visit & jokes at Janie Maas! Medford with David! Home Depot Good, Better, Behr. Lovely vintage journal from Del Duncan. February: Good Tuesday Bible Study with Dayle Lauber. Nehemiah dealt with pressure. Ben & Deb to Tennessee. Ramsey study online. Family meal once a week. March: Spring begins! To Woodpile at Doormill a lot. Sewing purses! Visited Hulls. April: Memorial for Aunt Mabel April 10th. A.Sharon, A.Karen U.Dave, U.Steve, Family & Friends come. Easter!!! May: Sell used things at Red Canary. Isaac graduates from Kg. Birthday BBQ for Patrick & Steve Nelson. Jacob & Samantha Chinese Exams. June: Kate graduates High School. We watch on TV. Ben & Deb fly back from Tennessee. Family Camp at Honeyman State Park 23-26 so fun! July: Kittens! July 22 & July 26. Ben & Deb fix small bathroom. August: Kate t...