
Showing posts from August, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

He did it again! The Holy Coordinator! When we visit a church we look online first to check when church starts. If they don't have a website, we move to plan B and usually call someone. Somehow this time we just estimated when they would start and were way off. So we drove to another church. I could not believe how perfect our timing was when it really wasn't planned. And it was great to visit the plan B church since we had not visited there for some time. We have our home church and like to touch base with a number of other churches, especially since we work in a Christian school that reaches out to a lot of church families. Then lunch and visiting with our daughter Priscilla and her husband David. Such an enjoyable Sunday!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bread is rising. If you don't have a wheat grinder, get one. Mine is an Excalibur Flour Mill. You can look for them online.
1. So special to see friends I grew up with. 2. Someone asked me "where is everybody?" They were used to seeing us surrounded by kids! Four are married, one with three darling children, two are teachers and two are in college, Oregon State and Corban University.

Monday, August 16, 2010

1. My cell phone still works! Thank You Jesus. I jump in the water to swim (I love to swim) and a little later realize I have my phone in my pocket. Laid it out to dry 3 days and it works. 2. Still enjoying old coffee. Leftover from our church picnic here at New Hope. Just refrigerate it and then microwave a cup. Wonder if there is research on what happens to the caffeine. :) 3. My Impact Bible is such a blessing. Saw it on sale and said no since I have Bibles. Kept noticing it. Decided to get it and really like it. The Student Leadership Bible, influence your world. Well, we all can influence our world.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Holy Spirit is amazing in His coordination of our lives and His Word. Just watch Him at work in your life this week. And how about writing down each day 3 things you saw Him do (this for me also) and sharing them with someone. And how about an afternoon of prayer (or morning or evening or day - OM has a monthly day of prayer) and and afternoon of evangelism (or morning or evening or day - scheduled in). Go!!