
Showing posts from February, 2010


It appears that God likes animals. Birds and fish took one whole day of creation. Wow. All the other animals took part of one day of creation. They must have been amazing days! It is so nice to have an animal. They are blessings from God. How sad that many people don't have time for animals - not time for the sweetness and companionship and fun and yes some responsibility as in everything else. I think God probably has one or two of each kind all around Him along with cherubs and angels and people in heaven.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bread is rising. Raining lightly (sounds nice). No school Friday. We have a number this year. Finished our Beth Moore Bible Study on Psalms 120-134 yesterday. Some of the DVD was filmed in Jerusalem. Would l ove to go to Jerusalem. This summer at the soonest.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Please pray that I can get more caught up on Scrapbooks. I like to write and have done some on our books over the years - just needing to catch up. Thanks! And God bless you on yours!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Month two. Wow. And I got to see a video of my college friend who went to Haiti on a medical mission and was there at the time of the earthquake. I will try to post the url here. Not posting right now. I will type it in. Rather incredible.